Thursday, July 23, 2009

What the Fuck, Muse?

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a huge fan of Muse. So it truly pains me to say that their latest song, United States of Eurasia, is utter shit. It's bloated, cheesy, and sounds like a badly executed tribute to Queen. I'm really hoping that this isn't representative of what the new album is going to be like; I like the much better when they took their influence from Radiohead as opposed to Queen.

A lot of people have taken a shit on Muse in the past for wearing their influences on their sleeves. I can understand where they're coming from with that, but I've always felt that they managed to still make everything their own in the past. Despite the constant comparisons between Matt Bellamy and Thom Yorke, I've always felt that he's had his own voice; the only real comparison is the frequent use of falsetto that both singers employ, and, let's face it, everybody uses falsetto.

I really hope that Matt Bellamy was on crack or SOMETHING while he wrote this and that the rest of the album is less Queen-tribute-band and more Muse, but given what I've read in interviews, I'm really not expecting much out of the Resistance.

Peace out, bitches.

(Note: I actually like Queen, but I listen to Muse for MUSE, ya know?)

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the song, even though parts of it did sound EXACTLY like Queen. My favorite Muse song though is honestly Space Dementia, so I don't know whether they are going to sound like that again.
