Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cafeteria Food

It kind of sucks. Especially when your vegan. Which is why I'm pretty fucking happy that my mother dearest is coming out to Boston to see my final performances at Berklee. I'm definitely gonna have to figure out what the fuck I'm going to do if (hopefully when) I go here for college. I'm probably going to try and find a way to cook at home, but I don't know how possible that'll be, especially if I get a dorm without any kind of kitchen area.

I feel like I should try and sum up the Berklee experience in this post, but it's not even really finished. I've learned so much, I love this town, and I love this school. I've got some serious work to do, but I think I could really thrive here. I feel like I'm better at college than I am at high school. I don't know how many other people are like that, but it just feels so much better when I can arrange my own life; I feel like I can get a lot more done.

Anyway, I've got to shower and shave and make it look like I've been keeping up with myself while I'm up here.

Peace out bitches.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

What the Fuck, Muse?

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a huge fan of Muse. So it truly pains me to say that their latest song, United States of Eurasia, is utter shit. It's bloated, cheesy, and sounds like a badly executed tribute to Queen. I'm really hoping that this isn't representative of what the new album is going to be like; I like the much better when they took their influence from Radiohead as opposed to Queen.

A lot of people have taken a shit on Muse in the past for wearing their influences on their sleeves. I can understand where they're coming from with that, but I've always felt that they managed to still make everything their own in the past. Despite the constant comparisons between Matt Bellamy and Thom Yorke, I've always felt that he's had his own voice; the only real comparison is the frequent use of falsetto that both singers employ, and, let's face it, everybody uses falsetto.

I really hope that Matt Bellamy was on crack or SOMETHING while he wrote this and that the rest of the album is less Queen-tribute-band and more Muse, but given what I've read in interviews, I'm really not expecting much out of the Resistance.

Peace out, bitches.

(Note: I actually like Queen, but I listen to Muse for MUSE, ya know?)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sometimes it Sucks to be Southern

In the south, I'm not that southern. I listen mostly to alternative rock and electronica, I don't have much of an accent, and except for the southern rock/country band I play bass for, I really don't do anything particularly stereotypical.

Yet, for some reason, people seem to assume that because I come from below the Mason-Dixon line, I'm some kind of inbred hick who sits on his porch plucking his banjo between NASCAR races. When introducing myself to someone, they (seriously) asked if I played steel string guitar. Another person asked me if I rode a horse to school. I probably should've told them to fuck off, but I'm a big fan of the whole "not alienating people you've just met" thing, so instead I just laughed it off.

I don't know what people read these days, but from the way these people talk about it, you'd think that south was entirely made up of rednecks and racists. It's ridiculous.

With that in mind, the southern "us vs them" attitude I've seen a lot around my hometown probably isn't helping the case. The number of confederate flags one sees driving down your average North Carolina highway probably doesn't help either. For some people, you'd think the Civil War never ended.

I guess my overall point is that while yes, there are some dumbass southerners, people up here need to get their heads out of their asses and realize that in fact, life just really isn't that different down south.

Peace out bitches.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009



The hiatus has mostly been due to laziness, but for the past week I've actually had a legit excuse due to my computer getting fucked over by the elements. See, I've been at a summer music program hosted by Berklee School of Music. The first night I got here, I put all my shit in my room, set up my laptop on the generic desk given to each student here, then left to go meet people and the like. The desk I've got here happens to be situated under a window, which I left open, since it has a tendency to get hot as balls in a room with four windows and no air conditioning. That night, it rained. On my computer, iPod, and PSP. The iPod and PSP were totally fine, but my computer was fried. Fortunately, Apple makes awesome shit, so a week later, once everything dried out, everything was fine, hence the whole "holy shit there's a blog post" thing.

Anyway, last night me and my roommate somehow got on the topic of manhood. As in the age-old question of "at what point does a boy become a man?" Now me, in all my libertarian glory, laid out my usual response of "when he is really and truly independent; that is, he's paying his own bills, buying his own food, and generally supporting himself." My roommate, offended, said "so you're saying I'm not a man?", to which I responded, "yeah, but neither am I."

Now, my roommate is a pretty smart dude who also happens to be Canadian, which may have contributed to his rebuttal, in which he asked me if I thought that a person supported by his government was not a man. This actually got to me. Having had a little time to think about it, I came to the conclusion that no, in fact, someone supported by his government is not, in my eyes, a full-fledged man. That is not to say that one dependent on his government is a mere boy, but I still think that one who is dependent on his government lacks that essential element on independence.

But what about married men? Old motherfuckers? Does someone have to be completely independent to be a "man"? Must a man be an island?

I don't think so. I think my revised definition of a man depends more on the idea that a man should have the means and ability to be totally independent, but does not necessarily have to be supporting himself. A man living with a partner who helps keep up the household is still a man, so long as he is not totally dependent on that partner for his well being.

Also, like most philosophical arguments, the whole "when does a boy become a man" argument is actually pretty stupid and in reality, I think it's better just to get on with your shit and stop worrying about everything.

Which, in itself, is a philosophy. Fuck.

Peace out bitches.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


As of yesterday, I have this massive urge to become better.  I have absolutely no idea why.  I just feel like I need to know more, to listen to more music, to dress better, to be in better shape, to write more prolifically, play bass more effectively, and to have absolute confidence that I am better than the person next to me.

It's not as though I need to be the best at anything, and I still don't feel like I should subscribe to someone else's standard for how good I should be.  Grades, expectations, and promotions aren't what I'm looking for, it's a sense of inner betterment which is what I feel as though I should look for.  It seems like so much of society is based on impressing somebody else; get good grades in high school so you can get into a good college, build other peoples expectations so they will think better of you, work hard so you can impress your boss to get that promotion.

The more I think about it, the less respect I have for those who devote their lives to this kind of "make them happy" mentality.  They all seem to think that sucking up to the right person will make them better, but in reality all they accomplish is making the person above them feel a little more self-righteous.  It's ridiculous.  I think we should all live on our own terms, not on the terms that have been given to us.

Gods dammit am I turning into Thoreau?

Peace out bitches.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Good news for those of you who give two shits about copyright law: the Pirate Party has finally managed to score a seat in the European Union. The Pirate Party, an independent group in Sweden, is a 3rd-Party in favor of government transparency and major copyright reform to meet the changing nature of the way information is transfered in the digital age.  In short, they're pretty cool.

Now, my personal support still goes to the Libertarian Party, but as someone who'd like to see some change in the copyright system, it does make me feel a little bit warm/fuzzy to know that the idea of copyright reform is on other peoples minds right now.

You'd think that as someone who wants to go into the music industry, I'd be against shit like this.  You'd be wrong.  While I'm sure that there are many people who just want to get some free music, I don't feel as though that's where the heart of the party is.  Copyright laws right now are bloated, prevent innovation, and serve more to protect the interests of large companies than to protect the interests of artists and musicians.  Right now, copyright lasts for as long as the creator is alive plus 70 years.  That's absolutely ridiculous.  This is legislation made for and by big companies.  This is most definitely NOT in the best interest of the individual.

My gods I'm a blogger who's outraged about copyright law.  How much more stereotypical can I get?

Peace out bitches.

Friday, June 5, 2009

I'm a Lazy Bastard.

I've had pretty much unrestricted access to a computer for the past three days and I still have yet to write a blog post.  I'm a horrible person.

Anyway, the past three days have basically been spent looking at music and t-shirts.  Also trying to find places around here that don't totally suck to hang out in.  Also seeing the new Star Trek movie (finally.)  I've always been a big Star Wars geek, ever since my parents dragged me kicking and screaming to see the re-mastered versions in the '90s.  I never really got into Star Trek though, but that new movie was FUCKING AWESOME.  Holy shit.  Star Trek is cool now and I want them to make a sequel SO HARD!!!!

In other news, I'm really fucking psyched for WWDC tomorrow.  I've had my eye on an iPhone for a while, but I've been holding off until they come out with the next generation and it's happening tomorrow.  I hope they fix all the things everyone complains about all the time.  I'm not even that huge of an electronics geek.  I am a gigantic Apple whore though; I love everything they do and Steve Jobs is a little bit like a god to me.  Yes, I know he's an asshole.  No, I don't care.

Also, people always complement me on my t-shirts, so if you want them, go here.

Peace out bitches.

Monday, June 1, 2009

What the fuck, California?

Sorry for the lack of posting for the past few days.  I've been busy; Thursday was a chorus concert, Friday was my first gig with the new country/southern rock, Saturday I was just chilling out, and Sunday I was at the local theme/water park.  Fun shit.

Anyway, my belated blog post is pretty behind the times, but there's some shit that I feel needs to be said.  I'm guessing that anyone who knows anything already knows what I'm pissed about, but for those of you not in the know, this should fill you in.  Now, I'm sure you've all heard the pro-gay schtick about how it's all about equal rights and blah, blah, blah.  We all know that it's an issue of human rights.  Honestly, the decision doesn't surprise me; the Supreme Court did their job here: constitutionally, the amendment was legitimate.  The job of the courts is to analyze the constitutionality of laws, not the morality of them.  Would I have liked it if they had overturned it?  Yes, very much so.  However, I realize that they were simply doing their job here.

One argument that sticks out for me is the idea of "civil unions" as opposed to marriage as a way to appease both sides.  This actually seems like a fairly reasonable solution to me, but I've always been bothered by the idea that homosexuals would have to get "civil unioned" while straight people could still get married.  If it were up to me, I'd say that we separate the process into two parts: religious and legal.  Let anybody "civil union" whoever the hell they want to get the legal benefits of marriage, and let the churches sort out who the hell they want to marry for the religious ceremony.

All of this in mind, I still don't see why people are opposed to it; nobody's forcing you to marry a dude.  It's like I've always said: if you're offended, go fuck yourself.

Peace out bitches.

(Editor's note: I found an interesting article on the subject here.)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


... like to use big words like "pseudo-intellectual" to make themselves sound smarter than you.  I'm onto you, motherfuckers!

Anyway, I came to a couple important conclusions today.  The first of these is that "no one" pisses me off.  It sounds like it should be one word, like "someone" or "anyone," but no, it's got to be two separate fucking words.  The only thing I hate more than that word-pairing is people who make it into one goddamn word.  The word "noone" is OBVIOUSLY spelled wrong.  Even if you don't have the handy dandy dotted red line underneath it to tell you that you suck at the english language, you really should be able to tell if the word is spelled wrong or not.  It just looks weird.

The other conclusion I reached today is that I hate "artistes".  As a musician at an arts school, I run into a lot of these.  These are people that honestly think that their random waving of arms, random notes blown into a horn, or shitty one-man plays don't need to look good, sound good, or even make sense because they are an artiste and there artistic expression of their inner soul is all the beauty they will ever need.  I'm all for pushing the envelope of what's tasteful, hell, I listen to metal on a semi-regular basis, but there comes a point where things just straight up sound like shit.  People like this will always say "oh you just don't understand my art," to which I reply "no, I don't, because there really isn't anything to understand: you string random notes and words together and attribute meaning to them after the fact.  I know how you work because I am smarter than you, and I can see through your bullshit."

I'm only cocky because I can be.

Peace out bitches.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

I'm Back

Title says it all.  Buncha shit's happened since my random hiatus.  I'm in a country/southern rock cover band, I'm vegan, and I've discovered that everything you do sounds SO MUCH MORE BADASS when you're listening to Parliament.  It's been quite the month, to say the least, and that's not even including the personal drama that I refuse to blog about because frankly, I know you straight up don't want to hear about it.

I guess it is a little ironic that I refuse to blog about my personal life on a blog called "The Place Where I Complain About My Life and Stuff," but I'd be lying if I said I never contradicted myself.  My main issue is that while I have no problem spouting my opinions on any number of issues, I don't feel the need to turn this into yet another "teen blog."  Anyone who'd read this either a) is in high school, and thus has their own shitty teenage drama to deal with or b) already graduated high school, and thus has dealt with their fair share of shitty teenage drama in their lifetime.  Middle schoolers aren't allowed to read my blog.  Go away.  Now.

Anyway, you guys can take this as some kind of attempt to return to regular writings.  Believe it or not, writing is something I enjoy, and something I've been thinking about as an alternative to the whole "musician" thing.  I'm terrible at planing for the future; my previous career plans have included paleontologist, genetic engineer, ornithologist, and professional wrestler.  Having realized that I hate doing things that feel like work, I've ruled out all of those previous career choices, since the first three require too much education and the last one's just fucking dumb.  Now I've managed to narrow down my options to music, writing, and journalism.  I've got a bad habit of picking careers in dying industries.

With that in mind, I'm going to go do something else now.  Expect another post tomorrow.

Peace out bitches.

(Before I forget: You should all listen to the Soulwax Remix of the Muse song Muscle Museum.  It's pretty badass)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Chill the Fuck Out.

You are not going to die of Swine Flu.  I don't understand why this is so hard for so many people to understand.  You didn't die of SARS, you didn't die of the West Nile Virus, you didn't die of Avian Flu, and you sure as hell aren't going to die of this god damn Swine Flu.

I swear, the news media is fucking ridiculous.  It seems like just about any time someone gets some kind of new-ish disease that they immediately blow it WAY out of proportion, instead of focusing on shit we should actually care about.  And yeah, that last one is about Chuck.  Chuck is an awesome show and it should not be canceled.  If it is, I will be really mad at NBC.  I'd threaten to boycott it, but I fuckin love Heroes.  My gods I am a nerd.

Anyway, I guess the main point of this is that people are idiots.  It's not the fault of the media; nobody seems to realize it, but we control the news cycle.  They know that their ratings go up if they create panic among the general population; we're the ones that drive those ratings up when they do.  Shit's ridiculous.

In other news, my teachers, with a few exceptions, are fucking morons.  Two of them in particular really should not have gotten the jobs that they have.  That's all I'll say here.

Peace out bitches.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Gods dammit Keanu Reeves is lame.

Holy shit this is awesome.  They are making a Cowboy Bebop movie. For those of you not in the know, Cowboy Bebop is possibly my favorite anime series, tied with FLCL. It basically consists of space cowboy bounty hunters killing shit to an awesome soundtrack. I'm not a huge anime nerd, but Cowboy Bebop is just fuckin sweet.

Alas, every rose must have its thorn.  That must be why they got motherfucking Keanu Reeves to play Spike Spiegel, the main character of the show. Seriously, I love the Matrix as much as (actually, probably more than) the next guy, but Keanu Reeves is fucking terrible. I really do not want what could be an awesome movie to be ruined by an emotionless zombie performance from Keanu Reeves.  Why the fuck is he famous anyway?  The only good movies he's been in are the Matrix and Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.

See, anyone who knows me knows I'm a big fan of dumb action movies.  This is why shit like 300, the Matrix, and Fight Club are some of my favorite movies.  Granted, the Matrix and Fight Club both have at least a little substance to them, but the point is made.  The main problem with movies like this is that Keanu motherfucking Reeves has an annoying tendency to show up in them.  If I want to watch a goddamn zombie movie I'll watch a goddamn zombie movie, but I personally prefer my action heroes to have a bit more to them then "apathetic grimace" and "apathetic grimace."

Fuck you Keanu Reeves.

Peace out bitches.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

WTF Obama?

First off, to anyone who actually read through the shit sandwich that was my post yesterday, sorry.  That was a total cop out and I really just should've waited until something legitimate to write about came to mind.

Now that that's out of the way, has anyone seen this shit?  Apparently, Obama is releasing some Bush-era memos regarding torture.  Specifically, that we torture.  Now, as far as I'm concerned, this is cool.  I'm all for the government being open with the people.  However, a few conservative monkeys with shit for brains seem to think that keeping the public informed of some of our governments less-than-stellar moments will somehow bring about the fall of democracy.  It honestly scares the shit out of me that we have people in our society who legitimately think torture is cool.

Now, being the even-handed guy that I am, I can't just criticize one side of the issue without pointing out the gaping holes in the other side.  You see, although Obama had the balls to release this shit, he still doesn't want to prosecute any of the C.I.A. operatives who authorized or carried out the torture.  That shit ain't cool.  As far as I'm concerned, the bitches should get put away for the shit that they did.

In other news, Jesus tittyfucking christ I hate pollen.  There's so much in the air down here that it's actually starting to make my eyes water.  I'm not even allergic to that shit.

Fuck pollen.

Peace out bitches.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Dammit it is so hard to write a fucking blog based on anger, swearing, and blatant attempts to shock people into laughing when you just aren't that pissed off.  There hasn't been anything in the news to piss me off, and I haven't had any experiences with people that make me question whether or not they deserve their place in the gene pool.  If you know me, please do something that is abso-fucking-lutely retarded near or to me so I can bitch about it here.

Have any of you ever been in the middle of a conversation when someone says something that is just begging for a witty comment, but when the opportunity arises, you just can't think of anything to say that isn't completely retarded?  That's what writer's block feels like, especially when you have absolutely nothing to feed off of.  Sure, I could spend hours combing the internet for gems of human stupidity, but I like to at least pretend I'm cool sometimes and that I don't spend all my time on Facebook/Twitter/this blog/the internet in general looking for things to make me angry at humanity.

Anyway, that's all for tonight.

Peace out bitches.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Woo Politics Woo

You know, I would totally make fun of this whole teabagging thing and complain about Obama shooting down marijuana legalization if it weren't already old news. Maybe I should start getting my news from places other than old episodes of the Daily Show.  I could definitely bitch about Obama giving a shit ass ton of money to people who don't deserve it, but again, my news is all old and filtered through whatever the Daily Show/occasionally Stephen Colbert can make funny, so it's really not worth it.  Obama's all like "hey banks, way to fuck up the economy, here's a billion dollars and little/no oversight, go fix it."

Alright, I'll stop libertarianing all over everything, I don't really feel like dealing with the bunched up panties of those who might crucify me for criticizing Saint Obama.  If it makes you guys feel any better, I didn't vote McCain.  I do find it a little hilarious that people get so attached to certain famous people and institutions.  Sure, I might get a little overexcited whenever Apple or Blizzard release a new product (ZOMG STARCRAFT 2 MIGHT COME OUT IN THE NEXT 10 YEARS!), but my hero worship doesn't really extend past a few assertions that my favorite company's product is and always will be better than your company's product (I'm sorry guys, Apple is just the shit).  There are some crazy motherfuckers out there who seem to think that any attack on their idol is a personal attack on their dignity.  I've got news for you people.  Your idols don't give a fuck about you or any of your opinions, so stop treating them like gods.

Seems like a cheery note to end things on.

Peace out bitches.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Why is this bitch still in the gene pool?

What. The. Ass.  According to the article, youtube video, and picture I just linked to, some dumb bitch in Germany jumped into a polar bear enclosure.  She wasn't thrown.  She didn't fall.  She wasn't even trying to feed the animals like most of the dumbfucks who get bitten by zoo animals (also known as "what's coming to 'em").  She climbed over a fence, got through a prickly ass bush, then jumped over a wall to get into this exhibit.  She then proceeded to flop around and get bitten on the ass by the bear.  What the fuck could have possibly possessed someone to do something so completely idiotic?

Okay, my rage at the stupidity of this woman was just completely dissipated by Daft Punk.  God dammit it's impossible to get pissed off while listening to Daft Punk.  The beats... they're just so... infectious...

Anyway, in a minor personal note, I had to go to the dentist today.  I hate the dentist.  Does anybody else feel like they're grinding away at your teeth with sandpaper when they use that one toothbrushy thing?  Plus it just smells like... dentist in there.  And that flouride shit is NASTY.  Anyway, I think I'm done venting for the day; Daft Punk really did destroy any righteous fury I had.

Peace out bitches.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Blogs? BLOGS!

Guess I cashed in on the whole blogging thing at the right time.  Seems like all the cool kids are doing it now.  Either that or it's just really easy to find other blogs to read that happen to be by people you either know or sort of kind of know on blogger.  Guess the blogosphere's getting bigger.

Jesus shit I just said blogosphere unironically.  Please shoot me now before I start twittering everything I do and using one of those iPhone apps that lets people stalk you without even trying

I should probably complain about something now, but I honestly can't think of anything to complain about.  The weather's nice, school's not sucking any harder than usual, and besides, complaining about school'd make this blog read like it was written by some stupid teenager.

Anyway, I'll probably find some shitty aspect of my life to bitch about tomorrow.

Peace out bitches.

Friday, April 10, 2009


I should totally make a reality show.  I bet I could pull it off too.  It seems like all you need is some kind of catchy title and some useless drama between a bunch of attractive people and you've got yourself some quality television.

Now, I know that there are some reality shows that demand actual talent of their participants.  So You Think You Can Dance, Project Runway, and American Idol come to mind.  But other shows, like America's Next Top Model, Pretty Wicked, The Real World, just demand bitchy attractive people who can make us feel better about our significantly less dramatic lives while simultaneously giving us an excuse to drool over bitchy attractive people.

With this in mind, I think the best way to make a shit ton of money off of a reality show would be competition between bitchy attractive people that requires no actual talent.  I'll also need a few D or F list celebrities desperately in need of a career revival to form a "panel of judges" and a desperate young attractive person willing to do horrible things to creepy old men to be the host.

Now, it seems like the shows that allow for the most drama are ones that are voted on by judges, and where actual people have no vote.  People, being on average reasonable and at least sort of nice, will vote out anyone who's too bitchy, thus killing all the drama that's going to make me millions.

We'll call my show "The Winner: The Ultimate Challenge to be the Best."  It's delectably vague; what the hell are they winning, and what the fuck are they going to be the best at?  Anyway, the first episode will consist entirely of the D and F list celebrities ogling attractive people to determine which of them will provide the most useless drama while the sexy host interviews our various "contestants," all while stifling tears from the horrible, horrible things he/she was forced to do to get the job.  The remaining episodes will consist almost entirely of bitchy behind-the-scenes drama, with the last 20 minutes being made up of dramatic music, commercial breaks, and the eventual elimination of the "least best" contestant.

This will make me millions.

Peace out bitches.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Oh god, not another pretentious hipster wannabe complaining about Starbucks...

So yesterday, I was chilling out at the cabin (the place where my band practices/hangs out, also known as my drummer's dad's house) when I decided I wanted some lunch.  The closest place was McDonalds, but Supersize me really freaked me out so I kinda swore them off.  The next best option was to get a big ass sandwich from my local grocery store/megamart deli.  I opted for that, got my sammich and some of that Arizona's Green Tea shit for my bandmates, then decided that a frozen coffee-like beverage would go really well with my big ass sandwich.  I was gonna head towards my friendly neighborhood independent coffee shop, but as I was walking out of the store I noticed one of those oh-so-convenient Starbucks stands RIGHT next to the door.

This was where I made my mistake.  In the interest of getting back to the cabin at a reasonable time, I decided to get a Frappecino from the evil coffee corporate overlords.  I walked up to the counter and asked for a "large caramel frappecino," to which the wage slave behind the counter abruptly replied "Oh, do you mean venti?"

Now, if I was truly as douchy as I present myself on this blog, I would've responded with something like "No, I meant large; this isn't some small family-run coffee shop in rural Italy, this is a coffee stand run by a faceless multi-billion dollar corporation at the entrance to a grocery store/megamart in the middle of the U. S. of A.," but since I'm actually a fairly nice/apathetic guy, I just said "whatever" and let her make the damn drink.

I guess the main point of this story is that a) Starbucks needs to get over that whole "pseudo-italian" thing with their drinks and b) Starbucks Frappecinos really aren't that good anyway, and I really should've just stuck with my friendly neighborhood coffee shop for my not-actually-coffee fix.


Peace out bitches.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What is there to complain about?

Damn, it's been a day and my inspiration is totally gone.  My bratty cousin left, thank god, so now the house is all quiet again.  That's pretty damn cool, if you ask me.  That being said, there's now a shit ton of bad fruit in the fridge because they didn't like the food my parents got for 'em.  Whatever man.

In other news, fish is fucking disgusting.  Seriously.  I'm out of the house as much as I possibly can be, so I miss a lot of dinners at home.  So, I woke up this morning, ran 2 and a half miles, then decided I want some breakfast.  Imagine my excitement when I found some pasta in the fridge.  I fucking love pasta.  It's seriously the best food ever.  I was totally psyched for breakfast now.  This was going to be AWESOME.  I put it in a bowl, nuked it, took a bite, then I just about threw up.  There was tuna in my god damn pasta.  Who the hell puts tuna in their god damn pasta?  Shit just ain't cash man.

Now, I'm really not a picky eater.  Picky eaters piss me off actually.  But fish in pasta is just wrong on so many levels.  Seriously, fish should just stay in the sea.  Aren't we overfishing all that shit anyway?  Why don't we as a nation decide to just stick with shellfish.  THOSE motherfuckers are awesome.  I love me some lobster.  And shrimp.  And mussels.  Clams and scallops are alright too.  But fish is fucking gross.

Peace out bitches.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Hey.  This is the place where I complain about my life and stuff.  This is basically me being bored as shit over spring break.  I'd like to start this all off by saying that I don't REALLY have anything to complain about; I live in a nice neighborhood, go to a decent school, my parents are still together, we don't have any money issues, and my parents jobs aren't in any real danger.  That being said, everyone likes bitching about their lives, and I'm no exception.

Now that we've established that I'm basically just being a whiny teenage bitch here, I might as well post something of substance.  Basically, for the past few days I've been stuck in relative hell, in that I've had relatives over.  My aunt's nice enough, but my cousin is starting to annoy the shit out of me.  Don't get me wrong, he's a great kid, but I'm really getting sick of hearing about whatever lame video game he's been wasting his time on.  Also, the kid needs some damn discipline in his life.  Seriously, shit's ridiculous.  I've had to resort to playing Runescape again just to keep the kid entertained.  Runescape is so fucking lame.  Seriously, when you've spent the summer on World of Warcrack, Runescape just feels... wrong.

Anyway, this blog probably won't last the week; once school kicks in I've got that to do, bass to practice, and other shit to do involving actual interaction.  Still, venting is fun, so maybe this'll last a little longer.

Peace out bitches.