Tuesday, June 9, 2009


As of yesterday, I have this massive urge to become better.  I have absolutely no idea why.  I just feel like I need to know more, to listen to more music, to dress better, to be in better shape, to write more prolifically, play bass more effectively, and to have absolute confidence that I am better than the person next to me.

It's not as though I need to be the best at anything, and I still don't feel like I should subscribe to someone else's standard for how good I should be.  Grades, expectations, and promotions aren't what I'm looking for, it's a sense of inner betterment which is what I feel as though I should look for.  It seems like so much of society is based on impressing somebody else; get good grades in high school so you can get into a good college, build other peoples expectations so they will think better of you, work hard so you can impress your boss to get that promotion.

The more I think about it, the less respect I have for those who devote their lives to this kind of "make them happy" mentality.  They all seem to think that sucking up to the right person will make them better, but in reality all they accomplish is making the person above them feel a little more self-righteous.  It's ridiculous.  I think we should all live on our own terms, not on the terms that have been given to us.

Gods dammit am I turning into Thoreau?

Peace out bitches.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Good news for those of you who give two shits about copyright law: the Pirate Party has finally managed to score a seat in the European Union. The Pirate Party, an independent group in Sweden, is a 3rd-Party in favor of government transparency and major copyright reform to meet the changing nature of the way information is transfered in the digital age.  In short, they're pretty cool.

Now, my personal support still goes to the Libertarian Party, but as someone who'd like to see some change in the copyright system, it does make me feel a little bit warm/fuzzy to know that the idea of copyright reform is on other peoples minds right now.

You'd think that as someone who wants to go into the music industry, I'd be against shit like this.  You'd be wrong.  While I'm sure that there are many people who just want to get some free music, I don't feel as though that's where the heart of the party is.  Copyright laws right now are bloated, prevent innovation, and serve more to protect the interests of large companies than to protect the interests of artists and musicians.  Right now, copyright lasts for as long as the creator is alive plus 70 years.  That's absolutely ridiculous.  This is legislation made for and by big companies.  This is most definitely NOT in the best interest of the individual.

My gods I'm a blogger who's outraged about copyright law.  How much more stereotypical can I get?

Peace out bitches.

Friday, June 5, 2009

I'm a Lazy Bastard.

I've had pretty much unrestricted access to a computer for the past three days and I still have yet to write a blog post.  I'm a horrible person.

Anyway, the past three days have basically been spent looking at music and t-shirts.  Also trying to find places around here that don't totally suck to hang out in.  Also seeing the new Star Trek movie (finally.)  I've always been a big Star Wars geek, ever since my parents dragged me kicking and screaming to see the re-mastered versions in the '90s.  I never really got into Star Trek though, but that new movie was FUCKING AWESOME.  Holy shit.  Star Trek is cool now and I want them to make a sequel SO HARD!!!!

In other news, I'm really fucking psyched for WWDC tomorrow.  I've had my eye on an iPhone for a while, but I've been holding off until they come out with the next generation and it's happening tomorrow.  I hope they fix all the things everyone complains about all the time.  I'm not even that huge of an electronics geek.  I am a gigantic Apple whore though; I love everything they do and Steve Jobs is a little bit like a god to me.  Yes, I know he's an asshole.  No, I don't care.

Also, people always complement me on my t-shirts, so if you want them, go here.

Peace out bitches.

Monday, June 1, 2009

What the fuck, California?

Sorry for the lack of posting for the past few days.  I've been busy; Thursday was a chorus concert, Friday was my first gig with the new country/southern rock, Saturday I was just chilling out, and Sunday I was at the local theme/water park.  Fun shit.

Anyway, my belated blog post is pretty behind the times, but there's some shit that I feel needs to be said.  I'm guessing that anyone who knows anything already knows what I'm pissed about, but for those of you not in the know, this should fill you in.  Now, I'm sure you've all heard the pro-gay schtick about how it's all about equal rights and blah, blah, blah.  We all know that it's an issue of human rights.  Honestly, the decision doesn't surprise me; the Supreme Court did their job here: constitutionally, the amendment was legitimate.  The job of the courts is to analyze the constitutionality of laws, not the morality of them.  Would I have liked it if they had overturned it?  Yes, very much so.  However, I realize that they were simply doing their job here.

One argument that sticks out for me is the idea of "civil unions" as opposed to marriage as a way to appease both sides.  This actually seems like a fairly reasonable solution to me, but I've always been bothered by the idea that homosexuals would have to get "civil unioned" while straight people could still get married.  If it were up to me, I'd say that we separate the process into two parts: religious and legal.  Let anybody "civil union" whoever the hell they want to get the legal benefits of marriage, and let the churches sort out who the hell they want to marry for the religious ceremony.

All of this in mind, I still don't see why people are opposed to it; nobody's forcing you to marry a dude.  It's like I've always said: if you're offended, go fuck yourself.

Peace out bitches.

(Editor's note: I found an interesting article on the subject here.)