Monday, January 4, 2010

On E-Cookies and Such

I'm disappointed in the number of people who tried to get my e-cookie (nobody tried to get my e-cookie). The answer was: I don't have a goddamn New Years Resolution. New Years Resolutions are fucking stupid. It's not the practice of making goals that I'm against; shit, the only way I EVER get anything done is by sitting down and setting a goal for myself. My beef is with the nature of the "New Years Resolution". In my experience, a New Years Resolution is a sweeping, general idea for some kind of vague "self-improvement". And that's completely moronic. It just gives people yet another way to feel self-righteous. "Oh, my New Years Resolution is to lose weight. I'm such a good person because I'm all healthy and shit." Boo. Most people have enough outlets for self-righteousness assholery anyway.

With all that in mind, I'm going to take this opportunity to shamelessly pimp my band and our hilarious new vlog post. Go. Watch it. Laugh hysterically. Listen to our music. Tell your billionaire record-company-executive friends.


  1. New Year's resolutions are for ineffectual losers who can only sack the fuck up once per year.

  2. Ahh I like this post. Funny shtuff.
