Monday, June 8, 2009


Good news for those of you who give two shits about copyright law: the Pirate Party has finally managed to score a seat in the European Union. The Pirate Party, an independent group in Sweden, is a 3rd-Party in favor of government transparency and major copyright reform to meet the changing nature of the way information is transfered in the digital age.  In short, they're pretty cool.

Now, my personal support still goes to the Libertarian Party, but as someone who'd like to see some change in the copyright system, it does make me feel a little bit warm/fuzzy to know that the idea of copyright reform is on other peoples minds right now.

You'd think that as someone who wants to go into the music industry, I'd be against shit like this.  You'd be wrong.  While I'm sure that there are many people who just want to get some free music, I don't feel as though that's where the heart of the party is.  Copyright laws right now are bloated, prevent innovation, and serve more to protect the interests of large companies than to protect the interests of artists and musicians.  Right now, copyright lasts for as long as the creator is alive plus 70 years.  That's absolutely ridiculous.  This is legislation made for and by big companies.  This is most definitely NOT in the best interest of the individual.

My gods I'm a blogger who's outraged about copyright law.  How much more stereotypical can I get?

Peace out bitches.

1 comment:

  1. (from the article:) "Sweden's Pirate Party has already grabbed some government funding for its youth movement, Ung Pirat (Young Pirate)"

    ...this is awesome.
