Friday, June 5, 2009

I'm a Lazy Bastard.

I've had pretty much unrestricted access to a computer for the past three days and I still have yet to write a blog post.  I'm a horrible person.

Anyway, the past three days have basically been spent looking at music and t-shirts.  Also trying to find places around here that don't totally suck to hang out in.  Also seeing the new Star Trek movie (finally.)  I've always been a big Star Wars geek, ever since my parents dragged me kicking and screaming to see the re-mastered versions in the '90s.  I never really got into Star Trek though, but that new movie was FUCKING AWESOME.  Holy shit.  Star Trek is cool now and I want them to make a sequel SO HARD!!!!

In other news, I'm really fucking psyched for WWDC tomorrow.  I've had my eye on an iPhone for a while, but I've been holding off until they come out with the next generation and it's happening tomorrow.  I hope they fix all the things everyone complains about all the time.  I'm not even that huge of an electronics geek.  I am a gigantic Apple whore though; I love everything they do and Steve Jobs is a little bit like a god to me.  Yes, I know he's an asshole.  No, I don't care.

Also, people always complement me on my t-shirts, so if you want them, go here.

Peace out bitches.

1 comment:

  1. I've had pretty much unrestricted access to a computer for the past three days and I still have yet to write a blog post. I'm a horrible person.

    Sack the fuck up, holmes!
