Tuesday, June 9, 2009


As of yesterday, I have this massive urge to become better.  I have absolutely no idea why.  I just feel like I need to know more, to listen to more music, to dress better, to be in better shape, to write more prolifically, play bass more effectively, and to have absolute confidence that I am better than the person next to me.

It's not as though I need to be the best at anything, and I still don't feel like I should subscribe to someone else's standard for how good I should be.  Grades, expectations, and promotions aren't what I'm looking for, it's a sense of inner betterment which is what I feel as though I should look for.  It seems like so much of society is based on impressing somebody else; get good grades in high school so you can get into a good college, build other peoples expectations so they will think better of you, work hard so you can impress your boss to get that promotion.

The more I think about it, the less respect I have for those who devote their lives to this kind of "make them happy" mentality.  They all seem to think that sucking up to the right person will make them better, but in reality all they accomplish is making the person above them feel a little more self-righteous.  It's ridiculous.  I think we should all live on our own terms, not on the terms that have been given to us.

Gods dammit am I turning into Thoreau?

Peace out bitches.


  1. That's strange that one day suddenly you'd feel that way. This happens to me every Monday or so, and I'll rearrange things, practice guitar, organize random things.

  2. It all comes back to money, man. Standing out and getting better jobs means more money, and the more money you have, the more comfortably you can live. (inb4 lonely rich character in the movies)

  3. It seems like so much of society is based on impressing somebody else; get good grades in high school so you can get into a good college, build other peoples expectations so they will think better of you, work hard so you can impress your boss to get that promotion.

    I hear what you're saying, but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Doing well for the satisfaction of doing well and succeeding is bound to make others think well of you and be impressed with your accomplishments. There is nothing at all wrong with this, and you should not allow your desire to not "suck up to authority" act as a smokescreen for passivity, complacency, or laziness.

  4. Agreed! I want to improve myself not to impress other people but to feel stronger and more confident. The more confidence I have, the more I can stand out from a world where many teenagers are defined by their friends. I am the definition!
