Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Hey.  This is the place where I complain about my life and stuff.  This is basically me being bored as shit over spring break.  I'd like to start this all off by saying that I don't REALLY have anything to complain about; I live in a nice neighborhood, go to a decent school, my parents are still together, we don't have any money issues, and my parents jobs aren't in any real danger.  That being said, everyone likes bitching about their lives, and I'm no exception.

Now that we've established that I'm basically just being a whiny teenage bitch here, I might as well post something of substance.  Basically, for the past few days I've been stuck in relative hell, in that I've had relatives over.  My aunt's nice enough, but my cousin is starting to annoy the shit out of me.  Don't get me wrong, he's a great kid, but I'm really getting sick of hearing about whatever lame video game he's been wasting his time on.  Also, the kid needs some damn discipline in his life.  Seriously, shit's ridiculous.  I've had to resort to playing Runescape again just to keep the kid entertained.  Runescape is so fucking lame.  Seriously, when you've spent the summer on World of Warcrack, Runescape just feels... wrong.

Anyway, this blog probably won't last the week; once school kicks in I've got that to do, bass to practice, and other shit to do involving actual interaction.  Still, venting is fun, so maybe this'll last a little longer.

Peace out bitches.

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