Tuesday, April 21, 2009

WTF Obama?

First off, to anyone who actually read through the shit sandwich that was my post yesterday, sorry.  That was a total cop out and I really just should've waited until something legitimate to write about came to mind.

Now that that's out of the way, has anyone seen this shit?  Apparently, Obama is releasing some Bush-era memos regarding torture.  Specifically, that we torture.  Now, as far as I'm concerned, this is cool.  I'm all for the government being open with the people.  However, a few conservative monkeys with shit for brains seem to think that keeping the public informed of some of our governments less-than-stellar moments will somehow bring about the fall of democracy.  It honestly scares the shit out of me that we have people in our society who legitimately think torture is cool.

Now, being the even-handed guy that I am, I can't just criticize one side of the issue without pointing out the gaping holes in the other side.  You see, although Obama had the balls to release this shit, he still doesn't want to prosecute any of the C.I.A. operatives who authorized or carried out the torture.  That shit ain't cool.  As far as I'm concerned, the bitches should get put away for the shit that they did.

In other news, Jesus tittyfucking christ I hate pollen.  There's so much in the air down here that it's actually starting to make my eyes water.  I'm not even allergic to that shit.

Fuck pollen.

Peace out bitches.


  1. I thought for a moment you were actually saying that torture is cool. But then I read on. hokay. Good times.

  2. Bwahaha I totally just saw that. At least I clear it up in the next sentence, or else this post would be very confusing.

  3. Apparently, however, Obama has backed off on his previous assertion that *no one* would be prosecuted, amd has stated that Bush administration justice dept lawyers who crafted the legal memos justifying torture are, at least, not immune from prosecution. He has said that it is in the discretion of his own AG whether to prosecute.

    Given how Obama has rolled so far, it wouldn't surprise me if this is a way for Obama to ensure that no one is prosecuted, but to make it be his AG's "autonomous" decision instead of his own.

  4. Well, that's better than NO ONE being prosecuted, and I will say that the lawyers who found whatever loophole let them torture people probably deserve it more than the goons who carried it out. Still, even Nazi's were "just following orders."

    Dammit, motherfucking Godwin's Law strikes again...

  5. Allow me to begin by saying that I do not condone torture. I do not appreciate my country being associated with it.

    I think you're misinterpreting what the 'conservative wing monkeys with shit for brains' are saying. They do not believe that releasing the memos will end democracy, simply that this was a political move instead of one with genuinely good intentions. After all, torture at Guantanamo has been well documented. Sleep deprivation, use of bright or strobe lights, incredibly loud music--in one instance a prisoner was wrapped in an Israeli flag. We all know about the waterboarding. In short, we know this stuff happened. So what does Obama have to gain by releasing this? Why add more fuel to the fire? The only thing he could gain in this scenario is more political power, by virtue of weakening the Republican party. It looks like a strictly political move, one where he hedges his bets by not prosecuting. I guarantee you that if the public reaches a high enough level of opposition to torture and it is politically in his favor, he will prosecute. For an inexperienced politician, he sure acts like, well, a politician.

    On the other hand, the monkeys are only half-right. Torture should not be part of our intelligence-gathering operations, and removing it really shouldn't weaken our defense. Of the one-third that they tortured, I would really like to see how much information we gathered.

  6. So what does Obama have to gain by releasing this? Why add more fuel to the fire? The only thing he could gain in this scenario is more political power, by virtue of weakening the Republican party. It looks like a strictly political move, one where he hedges his bets by not prosecuting. I guarantee you that if the public reaches a high enough level of opposition to torture and it is politically in his favor, he will prosecute. For an inexperienced politician, he sure acts like, well, a politician.HAHAHAHAH! It is so fucking hilarious when people scold politicians for acting like politicians--i.e., for consolidating the support of their constituents by doing what they perceive their constituents as wanting. Obama is addressing this subject--although, as you say, I consider it unlikely that anyone actually will be prosecuted--because the majority of citizens *want* him to. Would you rather he ignore the American people?
